KOSGEB Supports

In order to increase the share and effectiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises in meeting the economic and social needs of the country, to increase their competitiveness and to realize the integration in the industry in accordance with economic developments, under the name of Small and Medium Enterprises Development Presidency. KOSGEB was established.
Some of the supports given to businesses from different sectors, from micro to large scale, for the development of SMEs are listed below.
SME Development Support Program
Increasing the share and efficiency of small and medium-sized enterprises in the economy in line with their national and international goals.
SME' It is aimed to support the projects to be prepared in order to increase the competitiveness of the companies and the added value they provide.
This program KOSGEB It is opened with calls for proposals in certain periods and support is provided on different budgets and issues in each call.
General Support Program
KOSGEB It provides non-refundable support within the limits of the budgets it determines for the different needs of businesses (personnel, advertising and promotion, domestic fairs, consultancy, etc.).
In order to benefit from these non-project-based supports, it is necessary to work in accordance with the relevant articles of the application principles. In this context Istanbul Project experienced specialists ensure that our companies benefit from this support without any problems.
R&D, Innovation and Industrial Application Support Program
KOSGEB, supports the project costs of innovative products that create added value that SMEs want to bring to the economy without repayment.
Costs and risks in the commercialization process of the project from the incubation stage to the investment stage KOSGEB R&D, Innovation and Industrial Application Support Program is reduced to a minimum.
R&D, Innovation and Industrial Application Support Program kapsamında personel giderleri, kira giderleri, makine ekipman giderleri vb. gider kalemleri %75 oranında KOSGEB backed by non-refundable.
SME Project Support Program
KOSGEBIn this program of , the projects offered by the enterprises for the solution of their problems in production, management-organization, marketing, foreign trade, human resources, financial affairs and finance, information management and related fields are supported.
Bu projelerin süresi 6-24 ay olmakla birlikte 1. Ve 2. Bölgelerde %50, 3-4-5 ve 6.bölgelerde %60 Destek oranıyla desteklenmektedir.