KOSGEB Industrial Application Program

Industrial Application Program scope; a new product/service; KOSGEB supports the projects prepared for the purpose of producing, increasing the quality, implementing new techniques with a cost-reducing nature, and commercializing the products or processes in accordance with the market.
What is the purpose of the program?
The necessary financial support for the investment of R&D projects realized with national and international support funds and completed successfully is provided by this program. It is necessary to apply to the program within 3 years following the completion of successfully completed R&D projects.
What is the Investment Support Amount?
Support Type: Non-Refundable Grant
Support Upper Limit and Rate: KOSGEB Download the evaluation form for the support upper limit.
How long is the project support period implemented in the program?
A maximum of 18 (eighteen) months is given for the Industrial Application Program project support period.
An additional period of up to 12 (twelve) months may be granted by the decision of the Board.
When can I apply for the program?
Applications to the program can be made within 3 years at the most from the completion date of the project, which has been successfully completed within the targeted criteria by being supported by national or international funds.
Who can apply to the program?
All businesses with less than 250 employees, annual net sales revenue or financial balance sheet of less than 40 million TL can apply. Only the number of employees is taken into account in newly established businesses and businesses whose first year accounts have not yet been approved.
R&D and/or innovation project supported by public resources, the project that has been successfully completed, the project that emerged as a result of the doctoral study, the owners of inventions and ideas that have been protected by a patent certificate and whose prototype phase has been completed can apply.
Successfully completed with public funding R&D It is essential that businesses with an Innovation and Innovation Project make their project applications to the Industrial Application Program within 3 (three) years from the date of successful completion of the project.
What expenses will be supported in the program?
The following expenses are accepted in the program:
a) Personnel expenses: New personnel to be recruited within the scope of the project grant up to 150.000 TL*
b) Machinery-Equipment, Hardware, Consumables, Software and Design Expenses: Grant up to 150.000 TL for the mass production of the project output product
c) Machinery-Equipment, Hardware, Consumables, Software and Design Expenses: Credit interest support of up to 5000.000 TL for the mass production of the project output product *The machine to be purchased by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology Official Gazette dated 13/09/2014 and numbered 29118 % 15 (fifteen) is added to the support rates in case it is differentiated with the domestic goods certificate obtained in accordance with the Domestic Goods Communiqué No. 2014/35 published in SGM.