TÜBİTAK 1511 Priority Areas R&D Program

The 1511 Priority Area R&D projects, initiated by TUBITAK for the first time in 2012, aim to increase technological competence and knowledge in our country, to evaluate existing talents in different fields, and to develop unique technologies that can compete at the international level.
What is the purpose of the program?
TÜBİTAK 1511 Priority Areas R&D In the program, SME'It is aimed to support the projects that will be realized by energy, food, automotive, information communication technologies and machinery manufacturing technologies, which are determined as priority areas of enterprises and large enterprises. More than one call is made in each area. In the Call Announcement; topics, the project duration and the upper limit for the budget, the cooperation structure that will realize the project.
What is the Investment Support Amount?
Support Type: Non-Refundable Grant
Support Upper Limit and Rate: TUBITAK A different support upper limit is determined for each call.
(Destek oranı KOBİ lerde % 75 Büyük İşletmelerde %60 –destek tutarına ek %10 proje finansman desteği verilmektedir.)
How long is the project support period implemented in the program?
TÜBİTAK 1511 Priority Areas R&D The support period in the program is 36 months at the most on a project basis.
When can I apply for the program?
TÜBİTAK 1511 Priority Areas R&D Application time in the program is limited to the periods specified in the call announcements. Pre-applications must be made within 2 months after the call is published. The main applications should be made after the preliminary application is accepted..
An application can also be made for a project that has actually been started.
Who can apply to the program?
TÜBİTAK 1511 Priority Areas R&D SME enterprises and large enterprises with less than 250 employees per year, annual net sales revenue or financial balance sheet of less than 25 million TL can apply to the program.
TÜBİTAK 1511 Priority Areas R&D What expenses will be supported in the program?
The following expenses are accepted in the program:
a) Personnel expenses.
b) Travel expenses of project personnel and consultants, if any.
c) Purchase of tools, equipment, software and publications;
d) Domestic and international consultancy services and other service procurement expenses.
e) Universities within the country, TUBITAK'connected to R&D units, private sector R&D organizations and similar R&D institutions and organizations R&D service expenses.
f) Material and consumable expenses.